Grand City Property is one of Germany's leading residential real estate companies and we help them interact with their tenants via the mobile app
Services provided
December 2016 - now
Server side development
Developing the APIs for mobile and web applications, integrating with various 3rd party systems, ongoing system maintenance and devops
Mobile app development
Project management
Making sure that all requirements are clearly communicated and specified, tasks prioritised, the development team organised and the goals met
Tech Stack

The Client

GCP is one of the leading residential real estate companies in Germany and one of the most successful IPOs of a decade on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

How did we meet?

In late 2016 Grand City Property was looking for a partner that would help them develop and launch the mobile app for their tenants in a record timeline. We took on the challenge, delivered in time, and here we are, working together years after.

The project

The Tenant App was built to enable GCP tenants to conveniently interact with the company and Service Center. Upon registration, users are securely verified against the internal contract management system and then able to submit the damage reports and inquiries followed up with attached photos, provide feedback, schedule consultations with their respective Property managers, chat with the Service Center, search and bookmark the properties or just check up the news and latest offers.

In addition to mobile apps for iOS and Android built with ReactNative, the same set of functionalities is reflected in the web app built with React.js. All of it is served by a single Node.js server application.

The app interacts with multiple external systems to deliver the full functionality, such as Mandrill and Sendgrid for transactional emails, Freshchat is used to power the chat, Mietervorteile portal service is accessible via single sign-on, and of course, the company’s internal systems that enable user verification or property search and listing.

Recent development

In the summer of 2020, the apps went through a complete UI / UX redesign. The creative part was done by MetaDesign and KNB_ took care of the implementation. V2.0 was delivered in mid-August and ever since we have been continuously working on new features and improvements, such as a new tenant loyalty program.

The goal is to keep evolving and making it seamless for tenants to interact with the company while reducing the internal workload in the same area.