Our services support a full digital product lifecycle
We understand your business goals — so we design and develop products to meet those. We provide continuous maintenance to enhance your products.
Consultation and Ideation
Understanding your idea and business goals is a must to make sure your digital product serves its purpose and that you don’t waste money on its development.
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Digital Product Development
Our team handles all aspects of product development — front end, backend, and mobile — as well as IT infrastructure setup and ERP and CRM integrations.
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Maintenance and Enhancement
Even after the product is launched, our job doesn’t stop. We continue working with you to make sure your users are satisfied and your business goals met.
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Project lifecycle
At this stage, we get to know you and your business, your competition, your market, and your users, and we brainstorm the problems and the ideas. We make sure to understand your position and goals in order to identify the best possible solutions.
Specifications and Planning
Once we have identified your requirements, we'll put them together in the form of specifications and wireframes that will answer as many unknowns as possible and serve as a reference for estimates, design, and development activities as well as timeline planning.
UI/UX Design
We will start this step with your brand identity and come up with several options for you to choose from, each with a different look and feel. Then we move forward with creating your product’s UI/UX solution, which will be finalized in a couple of iterations.
By this point, all previous steps should be clear — specs defined, UI/UX approved, and all questions resolved. The upcoming work is broken down into executable tasks, so developers can start writing code and converting all those ideas and visuals into an actual product.
Some of our projects
8t is an internet radio and social networking website revolving around the concept of streaming user-curated playlists consisting of at least 8 tracks
KNB is essentially our team in Europe that allows us to deliver software and upgrades around the clock. They seamlessly onboarded onto a very complex platform with a decade of legacy code and technical debt, and have provided incredible thought, time and effort into helping us modernize and improve our infrastructure and customer facing applications.
Jeffrey Treichel
8t is an internet radio and social networking website revolving around the concept of streaming user-curated playlists consisting of at least 8 tracks